English IV
In which we tackle this wildly popular type of fiction through Delirium, the first part in a trilogy by Lauren Oliver.
We also consider the function of fantasy in literature as in life, how it manifests itself in different genres, and why.
Our first joint book this year is an example of what is known as dystopian fiction. The first book of a much-loved trilogy, Lauren Oliver's Delirium will throw you into a world both familiar and frightening. If you get hooked, we have the other two titles for you to continue with.
You will have a Delirium study guide, containing reading comprehension questions, vocabulary work, analysis tasks etc. You will be set around 1-2 sections to do per week, depending on our other workload. Check your class page for the definitive deadline for this work.
This video gallery has three parts:
The first two are general infromation/inspiration videos about utopia/dystopia.
The third one is an academic lecture on dystopian literature.
The last two are inspiration/recommendation book vlogs.
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